

I purchased a Ray-1X a few years back. This is the best bike I have ever owned (and I've owned several recumbents). It is a great bike. Fast. Faster than my Vision, and also considerably faster than my BikeE. And considering that I can't go too fast without a front brake, I don't think I have even come close to maximum speed yet. Also, this bike cannot be beat for comfort. BikeE made a great seat with their "sweet seat", but Maxarya is even more comfortable. I've also ridden a RANS Tailwind, and I believe this bike is also more comfortable than that. Clearly you guys build a top-notch bike.

Thanks again.

Jerry Teisen
NJ, USA - Maxarya rider since 2007

I have owned many recumbents over the last 20 years and now ride both the Maxarya X-Ray 1 and 2.

I find that the Maxarya design is very well thought out and gives me exceptional performance and comfort. The compact long wheelbase provides excellent linear stability and yet is agile enough for city riding. The seat is ergonomically superior to most and is very comfortable on long rides. I especially appreciate the ventilated backrest. The suspension is adjustable and does not “pogo” when hammering up a hill.

I have had no mechanical issues with either bike as the construction is quite robust and components are first class.

I can get both bikes into my BMW X-3 by folding down the stem and removing the seat and still have room left over for luggage.

The folks at Maxarya are very helpful in customizing ---- customer service is first class. I would recommend the X-Ray recumbent to both beginner and seasoned riders.

Dr. Ron Golden
Toronto, Canada - Maxarya rider since 2012/2018